Conference Schedule

Monday June 24th

15h00 - 20h00: Registration at the Centre Mont-Royal

Tuesday June 25th

7h00 - 8h00: Registration

8h00 - 8h20: Opening Ceremonies

8h20 - 9h10: Kasagi Award Lecture

9h20 - 12h00: Parallel Sessions (incl. coffee break)

12h00 - 13h50: Lunch (on your own)

13h50 - 14h40: Invited Lecture

14h50 - 17h30: Parallel Sessions (incl. coffee break)

18h00 - 20h00: Welcome Reception and Poster Presentations at the Centre Mont-Royal

Wednesday June 26th

08h20 - 17h30: Invited lectures & Parallel sessions (same as day before)

18h00 - 21h00: Banquet at Marché Bonsecours in Old Montreal (Buses leave the Centre Mont-Royal starting at 17h50)

Thursday June 27th

08h20 - 17h30: Invited lectures & Parallel sessions (same as day before)

Friday June 28th

08h20 - 11h00: Parallel sessions

11h30 - 11h30: Closing Ceremonies

Technical Program

Please find the electronic copy of the Conference Program for download here. A printed copy will be provided at registration.

  • The program at a glance is provided here*.

*Please note this is a tentative outline and may be subject to small changes.

Duration of invited lectures:  40 minutes + 10 minutes Q&A

Duration of oral presentations:  No more than 17 minutes + 2 minutes for Q&A + 1 minute turnover.   (Speakers will be given a 2-minute warning once 15 minutes have elapsed.)

Note: All presenters must use their own laptop computers to make their oral presentations.  The video connection will be a full-size HDMI connection.  If a participant’s computer uses another format of video port, the participants will be responsible for bringing their own adapter.

Poster format: We recommend a standard A1 poster size (24 inches x 36 inches; 60cm x 90 cm – the poster size varies slightly between paper sizes on different continents).  Either landscape or portrait orientation is acceptable. 


Invited lectures

Karthik Duraisamy, University of Michigan, USA
Generalizable Physics-Constrained Machine Learning for Predictive Modeling of Turbulent Flows
Bettina Frohnapfel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Turbulent flows over rough surfaces
Stéphane Moreau, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
Turbomachinery noise: turbulence a key ingredient
Joerg Schumacher, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany
Turbulent mesoscale convection in the Boussinesq limit and beyond
Chunxiao Xu, Tsinghua University, China
Equivalent boundary layer model and its application in inflow turbulence generation

TSFP13 Nobuhide Kasagi Award lecture

Ricardo Vinuesa, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Discovering novel control strategies for turbulent flows through deep reinforcement learning